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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Failure - Angela's book

As any art teacher knows, the happy accident fuels great solutions. Messing up means you are learning. Failing at something stings at first, but if you can move past that moment, big stuff is on the horizon. So, that's what my book is about. I had fun folding the pages, and almost made insects the theme because the pages reminded me of a centipede (when you hold one cover & let the rest hang free). The idea was that each person completes one panel (of four squares), but there's room for more & we can go on the back, if you feel like doing more!!


  1. Gorgeous as ever! And such a brilliant theme - can't wait to attack it!

  2. And yes - centipede was the first thing I thought upon seeing the book.

  3. Thanks Petr. :) --and thanks for always commenting on everyone's posts. It makes checking the blog more fun.

  4. Your last book has such cool folds as well! You are so right about "failure". I can't wait to make all kinds of mistakes that I have to "repair". By the way, I have a student who will be attending Falmouth next year! Foundation Course.
