Links to the other ECISketcher Rotations 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Jeane's entry in Mary's "House" book

Another beautifully made and clever idea for a book by Mary!  The cover is collaged and drawn so skillfully, it looks like one piece of printed artwork.  And then it is folded and cut into a book!

Here is the inside with several rooms yet to be filled.

And this famous bedroom.

Jeane's entry in Lisa's "Bright Sparks" book

Here's the box for the books!

Opening the box!

My book!  Front and


 Who has been lucky enough to this in the sky?

And the rest of the books!  All done!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Jeane's Book / Petr's Entry

Upon many considerations of how to tackle this über cool book, I opened a scanner and played with my tchotchke. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Eric in Angela's "FAILURE"

no comment

Guys, fo realz now, tell me if I am a bad person:

I keep telling myself that it's because I am mostly from the USA and that I want to keep my kids in touch with their American roots, but I often find myself at home with the 3 of them in front of the TV and we watch FAILARMY. I mean, if we watch endless amounts of parkour guys jumping off roofs, failing miserably and usually smashing their nuts on something, maybe they will learn NOT to do stuff like that?

I just had to use the OOPS text Lisa added before me.

What a totally awesome book form, Angela! And concept too... although I found it tough to illustrate failure (of course because I am so perfect, :) ) Nah, but on tha realz, failure is a huge part of my studio practice... maybe not failure per se, rather letting go from preconceived/ misconceived ideas about a direction I am trying to head with something I am working on. Yet again, I am thankful for being a part of these rotations and to work together with y'all. \\/

I just got back "DEATH" and 

it's friggin amazing!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jem's post in Under the Skin

I have been long lost from this blog but here I am...smiling!

This book is seriously fucking awesome. I'm sad to have to send it off as I really want to keep looking and petting. I think I'm going to have to remake my entry just to have on my wall, is it bad to admit I love it that much? Will working on it I kept thinking of the video Jeane shared of the street art event near her...check it out or enjoy for a second time...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Y''all feel me?!


So, first to admit that I am a bad person. I have had this book since mid-August. Previously in 2008, I was walking around one time in Tetouan, Morocco, and I found this mysterious, beautiful old folder-up paper. It was dusty, sunny and warm, lots of cars and trucks driving too fast right next to me and all. I opened it up, and it appeared to be some kind of strange diagram of different colored lines. Strangely, I was walking down a semi-questionable road: was it a highway? Was it a road? Should I really be walking there? No one commented, so I just kept walking, when all of a sudden, I found these interesting papers. I kept them for years, and I can't really say why I kept them all this time until now. 

I have just crawled out from under a vortex, and I know y'all feel me?! One second, you're going along just fine, and then the next thing you know, BAM, you wake up.

where am I?

WTF? What happened? I went to school, and realized I was in deep and had no way to dig myself out except through hours spend over lates nights of reviewing materials and trying to figure out something kinda fun and interesting to do with your students. 

so what's going on?

In any event, this was fun to work on. I just was likeBAM, let's do this!

let's try later

Oh wait, I guess I can work on it next weekend......................

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Jeanne's book - Angela's entry

Terrible confession: I've had the tchotchkes book since June. Eeeps! 
(I'll spare you details of family and work drama/trauma). But at least Jeane knows that her bambina is alive and well. :) VERY well, in fact, cuz the entries are all fab - a REALLY fantastic range of approaches. Yay for mixed media!
My contribution was lamely straightforward: I found some tchotchkes, threw out the ones that "didn't fit" my color scheme or general fancy, and made a composition. I worked on it at my aunt's house, with only superglue as an adhesive, so hopefully all the metal bits don't fall off.  :D
Hope you all are doing super.
Happy Fall Timez, y'all.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mary's Book (Is it?) / Petr's Entry

I guess it wouldn't be my entry if it there was no gore to it.

Water colour, ink, spray paint.

This chamber is inspired by an old illustration of a Blue Beard folktale.

Lisa's Book / Petr's Entry

Looking at the blog entries documenting the progress of your "book", Lisa, gave me a little insight of what's coming. The collection of entries in the mini book / mini card format is simply stunning! All the additions are startlingly beautiful, so diverse, so fun, so full of life.

I didn't do a lot of my typical/usual ink drawing lately and so I used this opportunity to get back to it.

However, having pyromaniac inclinations I was also very tempted to play with fire and with leaving fire marks on paper. I used sparklers on their own and in combo with flammable material spread on a paper - specifically scraped tops of matches and red phosphorus (burns like crazy). Results are stuck on an under-layer of bright neon spray paint making for a back side of this mini book.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Jeane's entry in Eric's "Death" book

Eric's book is almost done!  What a winner!  Death???

After looking at 16th and 17th Century Dutch Still Life Paintings with my students, I used these symbolic objects, vanitas, on the the skull.

Jeane's entry in Rika's Travel Book

Of course, I saw Rika's instructions for the book after I make my entry.  Oh well. 

Caught up with current events and trying to imagine the travel that less fortunate people have to take. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Rika's Book / Petr's Entry

Travels ... my odd addition (can it still be considered a sketch?)  is a snake/path created of triangles cut out of memories of this year's travels.

Eric's "Book" / Petr's Entries

Eric, this book is so very rad! Seeing it in real really psyched me up - nowhere close to the online impression - sweet move, dog!

My entries is a series of images that resemble your theme to me - with touches of spray paint and some conscious compositional choices. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Eric's entry in Petr's UNDER THE SKIN

things u can touch n feel...
OK, so I could try to write that the reason I kept this book for so long is cuz I just wanted to pet it, BUT, the real reason is that I was desperately over-booked in the spring and didn't manage to get it done before I took of for summer adventures. My apologies mostly go to Mary, who will receive 2 books in quick succession. 

Otherwise, it was a super rad book!!!

I even knew what I wanted to contribute into its pages since I saw it. Under the skin...... so that's why I kept this crappy deflated basketball around, so I could use it in this book! FYI, the red paint is supposed to symbolize fake blood.

Holler, hope y'all are well, more soon, 