Links to the other ECISketcher Rotations 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Jeane's entry in Eric's "Death" book

Eric's book is almost done!  What a winner!  Death???

After looking at 16th and 17th Century Dutch Still Life Paintings with my students, I used these symbolic objects, vanitas, on the the skull.

Jeane's entry in Rika's Travel Book

Of course, I saw Rika's instructions for the book after I make my entry.  Oh well. 

Caught up with current events and trying to imagine the travel that less fortunate people have to take. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Rika's Book / Petr's Entry

Travels ... my odd addition (can it still be considered a sketch?)  is a snake/path created of triangles cut out of memories of this year's travels.

Eric's "Book" / Petr's Entries

Eric, this book is so very rad! Seeing it in real really psyched me up - nowhere close to the online impression - sweet move, dog!

My entries is a series of images that resemble your theme to me - with touches of spray paint and some conscious compositional choices.