Links to the other ECISketcher Rotations 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Movement and Stars - Jemina's Book

Weird...I thought I posted this a long time ago?
This is the cover and there is a page inside for each. Inspired by the continuous sketch that come during the intensive German class I recently took. I guess I was wishing I were dancing instead!  I hope you enjoy working with the handmade paper!


  1. Jemina your book theme is really cool. I can't wait to come up with something for it. Your entry would make a Beautiful etching

  2. NICE! I also note you picked up a dating-stamp: sweet! Did you know that you can have a stamp made that attaches to your beltloop so you can just get crazy with stamping at a moment's notice? Google it!!!

  3. Everything is awesome when you have a belt loop stamper...everything is awesome! It is true Eric, you totally turned me onto the POWER of the date stamp! Have you ordered your belt loop yet?

  4. I have a date stamp too (inspired by Eric's use of dates on his books)! I picked it up cheap at "Mangelson´s", the local craft shop. The only thing is, I have to block out the silly phrases like "it's a boy", "big day", "baby´s first", etc...since it is a scrapbooking accessory.
