Links to the other ECISketcher Rotations 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015

Angela's entry into Rika's book, TRAVEL

This was meant to be posted for April. Ooopsieeee!  

Rika's theme is travel and since I've been missing the beautiful surroundings of my last two "homes" (Cornwall, England and Basel, Switzerland) my doodly entry is about escaping the city, and traveling to the countryside. I didn't consciously think about it at the time, but looking at it now, it's a mishmash of the two: the wild, rugged Cornish landscape, as well as the vantage point of looking out of a train window at the lush greenness of Switzerland. Riding on those pristine, super-efficient trains is one of my favorite memories.   ...Maybe that's what the swirly stuff is about? Or maybe it's just windy?  ;p

Eric, my entry for your Death theme is almost ready to post. Just to letcha know your baby is alive and well - terrible pun intended.


  1. Nice entry, Angela! And, glad to read you've conquered "DEATH"!

  2. Wanna join you on this ride - looks like a magical trip.

  3. Your entries are always SO stunning. I am having a hard time deciding what to do for my entry in the book but have pulled ours out about 100 times to gaze and feel inspired.
