Links to the other ECISketcher Rotations 2015

Saturday, January 9, 2016

T R A V E L from Eric

it sez GO

dear friends, 

I have been traveling lately, quite a lot of this travel has been occurring within my own thoughts. It has been pretty heavy metal lately, right? DANG!
  • What I wanna know is how often do you have fun?
  • Do you play anymore? 
These few moments I have anymore to make art, I come down into my basement studio, and then it's like B * A * M
Shit is on!

I am in full support of encouraging more opportunities for playing and having fun. Even tho I am super late with this entry, I do want you to know that I had fun making this artwork. 
  • I began to think about when does a piece of paper become an object? 
  • Is there some certain level of mark making on a piece of paper that has made it useful for something? 
  • Can a piece of paper be a sculpture?
Now it's finally snowing here, so I have to go. We are working on making an igloo in our garden, 3m diameter. It can sleep our family, which we hope to be doing soon. 


1 comment:

  1. yay, travelling my mind, fav discipline of mine lately too, yes, also heavy metal, man, play time rarely but shooting for more, sick piece, a cool banger:
