Links to the other ECISketcher Rotations 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Jeane's entry in Rika's Travel Book

Of course, I saw Rika's instructions for the book after I make my entry.  Oh well. 

Caught up with current events and trying to imagine the travel that less fortunate people have to take. 


  1. WOW! What a thoughtful and timely entry - very powerful and evocative - impressive Jeane! Btw - got 2 more books almost ready to be heading your way.

  2. So glad you thought to bring this topic to the forefront... To include it in our rotation. Thoughtful Jeane. :) hope you are well. Saw some old photos recently, from Nice, with you and Lydia and I chill in' on the last afternoon. Good memories!
