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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Eric's entry in Petr's UNDER THE SKIN

things u can touch n feel...
OK, so I could try to write that the reason I kept this book for so long is cuz I just wanted to pet it, BUT, the real reason is that I was desperately over-booked in the spring and didn't manage to get it done before I took of for summer adventures. My apologies mostly go to Mary, who will receive 2 books in quick succession. 

Otherwise, it was a super rad book!!!

I even knew what I wanted to contribute into its pages since I saw it. Under the skin...... so that's why I kept this crappy deflated basketball around, so I could use it in this book! FYI, the red paint is supposed to symbolize fake blood.

Holler, hope y'all are well, more soon, 


  1. Crazy cool looking entry, man. Kinda raw, yet pop like, super sweet - and what a rad material! Thanks, bro!

  2. What a fantastic texture the basketball made!! Neat-o Eric!
